
Constitution – Rules of Temora and District Community Radio Inc

TEM FM Charter

TEM FM is a community radio station that serves the broad Temora Community, providing entertainment, information, interviews, promotions, competitions, music and the development of local talent.

TEM FM will ensure that it is always responsive to community needs and will always seek maximum community involvement in every aspect of the operation of the station, to ensure that a broad cross-section of interests is represented in the station management, structure and programming.

TEM FM will seek the highest standards of broadcasting and the development of local people to become experienced broadcasters.


TEM-FM is a community station that entertains, informs and develops the Temora community with programs that meet broad community needs as well as those of specific interest groups.  It will embrace all community interests and be responsive to the needs of minority groups, ensuring they have equal access to the station. TEM-FM will reject any attempt to make it insular or to service the interests of a single person or group.


TEM FM is a community station that entertains, informs and develops the Temora community with programs that meet broad community needs as well as those of specific interest groups.  It will embrace all community interests and be responsive to the needs of minority groups, ensuring they have equal access to the station. TEM-FM will reject any attempt to make it insular or to service the interests of a single person or group.

Principles of Temora & District Community Radio

  1. The radio station MUST be operated by the community, for the community; it must be inclusive of all community organizations and views and not be exclusive; it should not be managed by a small group of people to the exclusion of the community as a whole.
  2. The station MUST undertake a total review of all programs every six months; all programs must be theoretically abolished every six months and planning should start again with the view “let’s see what we would do now with the knowledge we have gained – if we started again, how would we structure our programming.
  3. The station MUST be entertaining for the people of Temora and district
  4. Surveys of the community MUST be undertaken every six months to provide an opportunity for the community to give its views on the station (one possibility would be to conduct a survey with prizes for those who survey entry is drawn from a hat)
  5. The station MUST conduct promotions in conjunction with local sporting and community groups
  6. The station MUST hold a public meeting quarterly to provide the community with an opportunity to present, ideas, suggestions etc. to improve the station
  7. The station MUST work closely with the business community to help it develop and expand its interests.
  8. The station MUST work closely with the rural community to provide the support that it deems necessary.
  9. The station MUST provide access to community, church, sporting and educational groups to provide information and advice within the context of entertainment.
  10. The station MUST provide training and support for residents to expand their skills with a view to gaining employment in the broader broadcasting sector.
  11. All Board meetings MUST be open to members to attend.
  12. General Meetings MUST be held quarterly in conjunction with the monthly Board meeting



Music Policy

 TEM FM will play music selected from the 1950’s to 1990’s during the hours of 6am to 6pm on Weekdays.  From 6pm to midnight, music can be selected to reflect special programs with themes, as suggested by the Presenter.

No more than two tracks outside the above format may be played in any hour between 6am and 6pm.

Music containing bad language or extremely suggestive terms may be banned by the Program Committee or the Library Committee.

Programming Policy

  1. All program formats at TEM FM will be determined by the Program Committee, using the recommendations of Presenters, Members and the Community at large.
  2. TEM FM will play music selected from the 1950’s to 1990’s during the hours of 6am to 6pm on Weekdays.
  3. Music containing offensive language will not be aired on the station
  4. From 6pm to midnight, music can be selected to reflect special programs with themes, as suggested by the Presenter.
  5. No more than two tracks outside the above format may be played in any hour between 6am and 6pm.
  6. Weekends will be programmed on a similar basis to weekdays except that the Program Committee may choose to vary this in accordance with proposals put to it. However in general the basis of 50’s to 90’s music should be observed.
  7. Automation  Programs – authorisation for automated programs to be obtained from Station Manager or Program Committee.  Voiceovers to be recorded for all automated programs – not simply station Ids
  8. All working papers for the Program Committee shall remain confidential
  9. All programs shall be reviewed individually every six months on the basis  that one day of the week will be reviewed by the entire PROGRAM Committee for a month. Saturday and Sunday programs will be combined and reviewed in a single month.  The review to include program quality, procedures, formats, Australian content, logs etc
  10. The format of the station to be reviewed in its entirety every six months to ensure the format still remains relevant to the community
  11. Surveys to be undertaken on an on-going basis to gain feedback from the community on programming and presenters.
  12. Presenters meetings to be organised four times a year, at least two of which will be compulsory

Interviewing Policy

  1. All interviews produced for TEM-FM will remain the property of Temora & District Community Radio Inc.
  2. All interviews recorded for broadcast on TEM-FM may be claimed by the Interviewer for first use on his/her program except in the case of an interview for a regular series – e.g. Memories of Temora – where the first play and the scheduling will by determined by the Program Committee or Program Director
  3. Interviews may be shared with other community stations on the decision of the Program Committee or Station Manager.
  4. Studios must be booked for interviews with the Station Manager or other nominated person.